Monica Gabor trăiește o poveste de dragoste întinsă pe mai mulți ani cu Mr. Pink, un milionar chinez din Statele Unite, iar cea mai nouă veste în ceea ce îi privește pe cei doi este că ar fi devenit părinți. Fosta soție a lui Columbeanu ar fi născut un băiețel în urmă cu mai bine de jumătate de an, iar milionarul din China i-ar impus reguli stricte în ceea ce privește venirea pe lume a micuțului.
The main idea of the text is that Monica Gabor, the former wife of Irinel Columbeanu, allegedly gave birth to a baby boy secretly in the United States with her partner Mr. Pink. The wealthy Chinese businessman reportedly imposed strict conditions surrounding the baby's birth and wants to keep the birth details private.
It also highlights Monica Gabor's privacy concerning her personal life, rarely sharing pictures or information about her family on social media.
The main idea of the text is that Monica Gabor, the former wife of Irinel Columbeanu, allegedly gave birth to a baby boy secretly in the United States with her partner Mr. Pink. The wealthy Chinese businessman reportedly imposed strict conditions surrounding the baby's birth and wants to keep the birth details private. It also highlights Monica Gabor's privacy concerning her personal life, rarely sharing pictures or information about her family on social media.